Foggy Corrib
If you take a look back through my blog posts you will see that I have attempted to photograph this limestone abutment in the middle of the river Corrib twice before. What I hadn’t realised is that I had been waiting for 2 years to have another go. Essentially every time fog was forecast over Galway, at the very least I would get out of bed early to stick my head out the window to check for fog. Most of the time there never was any fog, sometimes there was fog but nowhere near thick enough, and once or twice I’d drive to the location to find that conditions weren’t quite right.
On this morning, however, fog wasn’t forecast, but when I glanced out the window first thing in the morning to see lovely thick fog outside I had to quickly make a decision. You see, my wife wasn’t home and she had the car with her. So my choice was either pass up the opportunity, or walk my kids to school while carrying my camera gear and tripod, and then make my way as quickly as I could to the location (a 30 minute walk according to Apple Maps, which I’ve just consulted).
Realistically there was only ever one choice. And although I did feel a bit of a plonker walking briskly through the city with all my gear on my back, and although I was 2 hours late for work, it was worth it to finally get the image that I have been seeking all this time.